Assembly of super-structures directed by surface and magnetic interactions: from self-assembled magnetic patterned surfaces to tubes

Type d'événement
Seminaire H2020 MSCA RISE « ULTIMATE-i » par Igor Stankovic, Scientific Computing Laboratory, Institute of Physics Belgrade University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118, 11080 Belgrade, Serbia

In this talk, we explore the fascinating world of magnetic nanostructures, specifically the assembly of magnetic nanoparticles guided by surface and agnetic interactions. Our theoretical investigation focuses on two distinct systems: tubular assemblies of magnetic spheres and clusters/lattices of cuboidal particles. The tubular assemblies, constructed through the assembly of dipolar spheres stem from their ground state and implications of the long-range nature of dipolar interaction. Our discussion encompasses the intricate details of magnetic texture transformation revealing a transition from circular to axial magnetization as tube length increases and the emergence of an intermediary helically magnetized state. Besides, we explore the antiferromagnetic phase resulting from a square arrangement of dipolar spheres, unveiling intriguing vortex states. (...)

Date de fin

Nancy, Campus ARTEM, Institut Jean Lamour, Salle 4.A014

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