Magnetism and Cryogenics Competence Center (CC MagCryo)

Magnetic measurement for research and R&D in many disciplines (physics, nanosciences, geology, biology, chemistry, electronics, etc.)

Initial and life-long training

Helium recycling and reliquefaction
All materials have specific magnetic signatures that can be quantified (link towards the table showing magnetic properties). The Magnetism and Cryogenics Competence Center includes a unique instrument stock in France with 10 devices for magnetic measurements depending on temperature (2 K to 1200 K) and the magnetic field (0 to 14 Tesla). It also has a complete helium re-liquefaction chain. It carries out magnetic measurement services (magnetization, magnetic permeability, magnetic susceptibility, electrical magnetoresistance, etc.), provides training, and develops R&D projects for the IJL as well as for public laboratories and companies.
The platform is part of the European and French magnetometry networks.
The Competence Center has 10 state-of-the-art instruments for measuring the magnetic characteristics of a wide variety of samples (polycrystalline solids, single crystals, thin films, powders, nanomaterials, liquids)
- 2 SQUID-VSM MPMS3 (Quantum Design) magnetometers
- 3 VSM vibrating sample magnetometers (MicroSense and LakeShore)
- 4 PPMS-type modular cryostats (Quantum Design) from 7 to 14 Tesla for measurements of: VSM, specific heat, AC susceptibility, ferromagnetic resonance, magnetoresistance, Hall effect
- 1 Kerr magneto-optical magnetometer (MOKE) for thin film with planar and perpendicular magnetization
Examples of achievements
Unraveling Oxidation and Spin States of a Single Fe-Based Meso-Macroporous Silica Catalyst in Fenton-like Reaction by Magnetic Measurements
Christine Bellouard, Sanghoon Kim, Jaâfar Ghanbaja, Robert Wojcieszak, Nadia Canilho, Andreea Pasc
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (20), pp.8449-8457. ⟨10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c00816⟩ - Controlling the helicity of light by electrical magnetization switching
Pambiang Abel Dainone, Nicholas Figueiredo Prestes, Pierre Renucci, Alexandre Bouché, Martina Morassi, Xavier Devaux, Markus Lindemann, Jean-Marie George, Henri Jaffrès, Aristide Lemaitre, Bo Xu, Mathieu Stoffel, Tongxin Chen, L. Lombez, Delphine Lagarde, Guangwei Cong, Tianyi Ma, Philippe Pigeat, Michel Vergnat, Hervé Rinnert, Xavier Marie, Xiufeng Han, Stephane Mangin, Juan-Carlos Rojas-Sánchez, Jian-Ping Wang, Matthew C Beard, Nils C Gerhardt, Igor Žutić, Yuan Lu
Nature, 2024, 627 (8005), pp.783-788. ⟨10.1038/s41586-024-07125-5⟩
- Spin injection at MgB2-superconductor/ferromagnet interface
Corentin Pfaff, S. Petit-Watelot, S. Andrieu, Ludovic Pasquier, J. Ghanbaja, S. Mangin, K. Dumesnil, T. Hauet
Applied Physics Letters, 2024, 125 (10), pp.102601. ⟨10.1063/5.0220815⟩
- Magnetic moment of thin film superconductors: When thickness matters
Corentin Pfaff, T. Courtois, M R Koblischka, S. Andrieu, J.-X. Lin, M. Hehn, Stéphane Mangin, K. Dumesnil, T. Hauet
Physical Review B, 2024, 110 (9), pp.094502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.110.094502⟩
- Engineering of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in half-metallic magnetic Heusler epitaxial thin films
V. Palin, Charles Guillemard, C. de Melo, Sylvie Migot, P. Gargiani, M. Valvidares, F. Bertran, S. Andrieu
Physical Review Applied, 2023, 20 (5), pp.054017. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevApplied.20.054017⟩
- Kinetics vs. thermodynamics: walking on the line for a five-fold increase in MnSi Curie temperature
Adrian Benedit-Cardenas, Stéphanie Bruyère, Sylvie Migot, Thomas Hauet, Sébastien Petit-Watelot, Pascal Boulet, Dominique Muller, Dmitry A Zuev, David Horwat, Alexandre Nominé
Materials Horizons, 2023, ⟨10.1039/d3mh01106b⟩
- Interfacial engineering of ferromagnetism in wafer-scale van der Waals Fe4GeTe2 far above room temperature
Hangtian Wang, Haichang Lu, Zongxia Guo, Ang Li, Peichen Wu, Jing Li, Weiran Xie, Zhimei Sun, Peng Li, Héloïse Damas, Anna Maria Friedel, Sylvie Migot, Jaâfar Ghanbaja, Luc Moreau, Yannick Fagot-Revurat, Sébastien Petit-Watelot, Thomas Hauet, John Robertson, Stéphane Mangin, Weisheng Zhao, Tianxiao Nie
Nature Communications, 2023, 14 (1), pp.2483. ⟨10.1038/s41467-023-37917-8⟩
- Magnetism of 3d electrons in YCo12-xFexB6 compounds
B. Vallet-Simond , L.V.B. Diop , O. Isnard, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2023, 587, pp.171307. ⟨10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171307⟩
- Thermal Spin-Current Generation in the Multifunctional Ferrimagnet Ga0.6Fe1.4O3
Alberto Anadón, Elodie Martin, Suvidyakumar Homkar, Benjamin Meunier, Maxime Vergés, Heloise Damas, Junior Alegre, Christophe Lefèvre, François Roulland, Carsten Dubs, Morris Lindner, Ludovic Pasquier, O. Copie, Karine Dumesnil, Rafael Ramos, Daniele Preziosi, S. Petit-Watelot, Nathalie Viart, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez
Physical Review Applied, 2022, 18 (5), pp.054087. ⟨10.1103/physrevapplied.18.054087⟩
- Pb-Bearing Ferrihydrite Bioreduction and Secondary-Mineral Precipitation during Fe Redox Cycling
Fatima Meite, Mustapha Abdelmoula, Patrick Billard, Thomas Hauet, Asfaw Zegeye
Minerals, 2022, 12 (5), pp.610. ⟨10.3390/min12050610⟩
Our services
- Magnetic measurement consulting (dedicated engineers and researchers)
- Machine training then provision of one of the 10 magnetometers (VSM, SQUID, Susceptometer)
- Measurement service with one of the 10 magnetometers (VSM, SQUID, Susceptometer)
- Realization of R&D partnership projects
- Magnetic field simulation (FEMM, COMSOL)
- Lifelong learning in the field of magnetic measurement (magnetometry)
- Linking with other centers of the national and European magnetometer networks
Head of the competence center
+33 (0)3 72 74 24 76
Adminsitrative contact
Valérie FRANK
+ 33 (0)3 72 74 27 06
Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex