Computing and Calculation Competence Center (CC ERMIONE)

Phase space at a moment of instability, semi-Lagrangian Vlasov ElectroMagnetic Vlasov code (collaboration with the P2M department)

Distribution of temperature and heat flux density on a thermocouple (collaboration with the CP2S department)

Distribution of liquid metal drops in an ESR (ElectroSlag Remelting) ingot obtained by a 2-dimensional model (collaboration with the SI2M department).
The ERMIONE Competence Center brings together all the Institute's computer and digital specialists within a single department. It includes a scientific computing support center and a computing center. Scientific computing support provides tools, methods, technical and human resources to research groups and projects. It relies on the IJL's internal resources but also on the EXPLOR mid-scale computing center at the University of Lorraine.
The IT department manages the purchase, operation and maintenance of the computing equipment for all the laboratory's research teams. It also manages IJL networks and information systems, as well as ensuring their security. On its own, it manages 23 servers (backup, storage, software licenses, finance, HR, etc.).
Centralized software
- Numerical Simulation in solid/fluid mechanics: Abaqus, Ansys Fluent, Comsol, Matlab, Openfoam, Sysweld, Zebulon, etc.
- Life Cycle analysis: ASPEN
- Calculation of thermodynamic equilibria: Dictra/Thermocalc, etc.
- Formal computation: Maple, Mathematica
- Ab initio calculation: VASP
- Fortran Compilers: C, C++, etc.
- Image analysis: Aphelion
- Measurements/Automation: Labview
- CAD: Solidworks
- Visualization: Tecplot, Origin, etc.
Examples of achievements
Several publications:
- DNS and Engineering Modeling of the Electroslag Remelting Process, Proceedings of the Liquid Metal Processing and Casting Conference, Birmingham, Grande-Bretagne (2019), J. Chaulet, A. Kharicha, B. Dussoubs, S. Charmond, A. Jardy, S. Hans
- A 2D Multiphase Model of Drop Behavior during Electroslag Remelting, Metals, 10, 490 ; (2020), J. Chaulet, A. Kharicha, S. Charmond, B. Dussoubs, S. Hans, M. Wu, A. Ludwig, A. Jardy
- Analysis of the Thermal Transfers in a VASM Crucible: Electron Beam Melting Experiment and Numerical Simulation, Metals, 10, 1152 (2020), J. Haag, J. Martens, B. Dussoubs, A. Jardy, J.P. Bellot
- Innovative design of bismuth-telluride-based thermoelectric micro-generators with high output power, Energy Environ. Sci. 13, 3579-3591 (2020), Soufiane El Oualid, Francis Kosior, Anne Dauscher, Christophe Candolfi, Gerhard Span, Ervin Mehmedovic, Janina Paris and Bertrand Lenoir
- Thermoelectric Generators: High Power Density Thermoelectric Generators with Skutterudites, Adv. Energy Mater 11, 19 (2021), Soufiane El Oualid, Iurii Kogut, Mohamed Benyahia, Eugen Geczi, Uwe Kruck, Francis Kosior, Philippe Masschelein, Christophe Candolfi, Anne Dauscher, Jan Dieter Koenig, Alexandre Jacquot, Thierry Caillat, Eric Alleno, Bertrand Lenoir
- Contribution à la simulation numérique des procédés à haute température, HDR de l’Université de Lorraine (2021), B. Dussoubs
- Influence of Thermoelectric Properties and Parasitic Effects on the Electrical Power of Thermoelectric Micro-Generators, Energies 15, 3746 (2022), El Oualid, S.; Kosior, F.; Span, G.; Mehmedovic, E.; Paris, J.; Candolfi, C.; Lenoir, B.
Examples of developments:
- Development of a Vlasov 2D semi-lagrangian type code, to discover new phenomena and plasma regimes and 3D code extension (implementation of diagnostics, new parallelization layer)
- Development of a code simulating the electromagnetism of plasma excitation structures
- Development of a code to melt and solidify a metal substrate immersed in a liquid and subjected to a plasma
- Development of codes to determine the conversion potential of thermoelectric generators and the prediction of their electrical performance (co-supervision of a thesis 2016-2019)
- Development of a thermo-acousto-fluid model for the magnetic labelling of cells, magnetic trapping, differentiation of cells by a piezoelectric sensor
- Development of software for modelling the process of hydrofluorination of uranium dioxide to uranium tetrafluoride in a moving bed furnace, in collaboration with AREVA, training of industrial users
- Optimization, maintenance, testing and industrialization of software simulating the vacuum arc remelting process or the electroslag remelting process
- Coupling between Fluent and Sysweld software in collaboration with Vallourec
Head of the Competence Center:
Tel : + 33 (0) 3 72 74 26 20
Tel: + 33 (0) 6 10 44 48 21
Adminsitrative contact
Géraldine GEORGES
+ 33 (0)3 72 74 26 60
Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex