Prix et nominations nationaux

Researcher in Science of Materials
Assiociate Professor
Nanomaterials and Health Team
> Appointed junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2019

Researcher in Chemistry of Materials
Associate Professor
Thin layers for energy and applications team
> Yves Rocard Prize of the Société Française de Physique (SFP) in 2016

Researcher in Materials Chemistry
University Professor
Bio-sourced materials team
> Appointed honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2021

Researcher in Materials Science
University professor
Solidification Team
> Charles Eichner Medal of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M) in 2021

Researcher in Materials Science
University professor
Microstructures and Stresses Team
> Bastien & Guillet Medal from the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M) in 2015

Researcher in Materials Science
Associate professor
Equipe Microstructures et Contraintes
> Jean Rist Medal of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M) in 2021

Researcher in Physics
University professor
Miro and Nanosystems Team
> Medal of the French National Committee of Radioelectric Science (URSI-France) in 2017

Researcher in Materials Science
Director of Research CNRS
Biosourced Materials Team
> CNRS Sliver Medal (2020)

Researcher in Physics
Associate professor
Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Team
> Jean Perrin prize of the Société Française de Physique (SFP) in 2019

Researcher in Physics
Associate professor
Micro and Nanosystems Team
> Young Talents for Women in Science Award - L'Oréal-UNESCO Foundation (2019)
> Thesis Prize of the French National Committee for Radioelectric Science (URSI-France) in 2021

Researcher in Physics
University professor
Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Team
> Yves Rocard Prize of the Société Française de Physique (SFP) in 2010
> Appointed senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2018

Researcher in Physics
University professor
Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Team
> Appointed senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) in 2017

CNRS research engineer
Micro and Nanosystems team
> Crystal Medal of the CNRS (2011)

> Prix BERNARD BOLLE 2022 de la section Est de la SF2M pour le Meilleur Stage de Master

CNRS Project engineer
Competence center for ultra-high vacuum deposition and analysis of nanomaterials (D.A.U.M.)
> CNRS Crystal Medal (2018)

Researcher in physics
CNRS Research Fellow
Spintronics and Nanomagnetism Team
> Bronze Medal of the CNRS - 2020

Researcher in Materials Science
Associate professor
Solidification team
> Jean Rist Medal from the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials (SF2M) in 2014