Spintronics and Nanomagnetism group - SPIN

Electron microscopy image of a Heusler CoMnSi alloy

The group collaborates in a joint R&D laboratory with Nipson Technology, a world leader in the design of magnetic printers
![Diagram describing the possibility of achieving magnetization reversal of a [Co/Pt] layer by a single 50 femto-second (10-15 seconds) laser pulse by generating a polarized current by ultra-fast demagnetization of GdFeCo](/sites/default/files/styles/thumbnail/public/2021-07/101_Image%20c_V6%20.png?itok=t9lotI-Y)
Diagram describing the possibility of achieving magnetization reversal of a [Co/Pt] layer by a single 50 femto-second (10-15 seconds) laser pulse by generating a polarized current by ultra-fast demagnetization of GdFeCo
Last publications
- Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector Made of Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)-Grown MgB2 Film
Ariel Roitman, Corentin Pfaff, Thomas Hauet, Avner Shaulov, Yosef Yeshurun
Nanomaterials, 2024, 14 (21), pp.1731. ⟨10.3390/nano14211731⟩ - Femtosecond-laser-induced reversal in in-plane-magnetized spin valves
Jun-Xiao Lin, Yann Le Guen, Julius Hohlfeld, Junta Igarashi, Quentin Remy, Jon Gorchon, Grégory Malinowski, Stéphane Mangin, Thomas Hauet, Michel Hehn
Physical Review Applied, 2024, 22, ⟨10.1103/physrevapplied.22.044051⟩ - Energy-efficient picosecond spin–orbit torque magnetization switching in ferro- and ferrimagnetic films
Eva Díaz, Alberto Anadón, Pablo Olleros-Rodríguez, Harjinder Singh, Héloïse Damas, Paolo Perna, Martina Morassi, Aristide Lemaître, Michel Hehn, Jon Gorchon
Nature Nanotechnology, 2024, ⟨10.1038/s41565-024-01788-x⟩
Observing, manipulating and functionalizing the magnetism of matter at nanometric scales is at the core of the Spintronics and Nanomagnetism group’s research.
The objectives are to understand and control the structural, electronic, magnetic and transport properties of magnetic nanostructures of different dimensions:
- 2D: thin films, interfaces, super-networks
- 1D: thread, tracks
- 0D: pillars, aggregates
The research activity is both fundamental and experimental. The group has the means and know-how to develop model systems. The structural, magnetic and electrical characterization of these systems are taken into account at different scales. Furthermore, their evolution under the influence of different stimuli (magnetic fields, electric fields, temperature, electric currents, stress, laser pulses) is considered.
The group members are particularly involved in various endeavours beyond the group's perimeter: the D.A.U.M. tube, a developmental and characterization tool that is unique in the world; a micro and nanofabrication centre ; a magnetism centre and many other facilities.
The team is recognized for the very high level of its fundamental research. Every year, it develops numerous fruitful collaborations with the best spintronic and nanomagnetism laboratories in the world. These strong international collaborations have allowed:
- The creation in 2015 of an international associated laboratory (LIA) in partnership with the RMCR edu of the UCSD, the CQP NYU and Paris-Saclay
- The setting up of theses in co-supervision with internationally recognized universities: Beihang University; Tohoku University; Johannes Gutenberg Mainz University; National Tshing Hua University
Research Topics
The group is interested in nanoscale magnetization configurations and their impact on the magnetic properties of materials. These materials can be:
- thin layers
- multi-layers
- superlattices
- networks of small objects
The studies focus on the formation and evolution of various magnetic objects, such as domain walls, vortexes, skyrmions or magnons. Carrying out plot arrays allows the study of frustrated systems or architectures for bio-inspired computations.
Heterostructures made of different materials can be functionalized for applications in the fields of magnetic printing, sensors, memories, information storage etc.
- Maryam Massoras (2017-2020)
- Kosseila Ait-Oukaci (2017-2020)
- Boris Seng (2018-2021)
- Danny Gweha (2019-2022)
Post-doctoral fellows:
- Tom Ferté
- Thi Thanh Huyen Nong
- Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics- Moscow
- Christian-Albrechts Universitat- Kiel
- Johannes Gutenberg Universitat- Mainz
- Intrinsic versus shape anisotropy in micro-structured magnetostrictive thin films for magnetic surface acoustic wave sensors, H. Mishra, M. Hehn, D. Lacour, O. Elmazria, N. Tiercelin, H. Mjahed, K. Dumesnil, S. Petit-Watelot, V. Polewczyk, A. Talbi, O. Bou Matar, S. Hage-Ali, Smart Materials and Structures 28 (12), 12LT01(2019)
- A tunable magnetic metamaterial based on the dipolar four-state Potts model, D. Louis, D. Lacour, M.Hehn, V. Lomakin, T. Hauet and F. Montaigne, Nature Materials, 17, 1076 (2018)
- Creation of Magnetic Skyrmion Bubble Lattices by Ultrafast Laser in Ultrathin Films, S. -G. Je, P. Vallobra, T. Srivastava, J. -C. Rojas-Sánchez, T. H. Pham, M. Hehn, G. Malinowski, C. Baraduc, S. Auffret, G. Gaudin, S. Mangin, H. Béa, and O. Boulle, Nano Letters 18, 7362 (2018)
Growth and design of materials
This topic brings together new strategies for synthesizing, designing and studying the properties of novel materials. The group is particularly interested in spin-orbit interactions and the structure-properties relationships of these. The approaches used make it possible to shape physical properties, to bring out new functionalities and to combine/couple several properties with each other in the case of multifunctional materials, such as:
- multiferroism
- spin-gap magnetic half-metals
- topological insulators
- Hamza Bouhani (2017-2020)
- Asmaa Endichi(2017-2020)
- Gauthier Masset (2017-2020)
- Victor Palin (2019-2022)
Post-doctoral fellows:
- Claudia De Melo Sanchez
- Bin Hong
- Wei Zhang
- Engineering Co2MnAlxSi1−x Heusler Compounds as a Model System to Correlate Spin Polarization, Intrinsic Gilbert Damping, and Ultrafast Demagnetization, C. Guillemard, W. Zhang, G. Malinowski, C. de Melo, J. Gorchon, S. Petit-Watelot, J. Ghanbaja, S. Mangin, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, and S. Andrieu, Adv. Mater. 1908357 (2020)
- Epitaxial growth and structure of LaVO3 and PrVO3 thin films, G. Masset, O. Copie, J. Ghanbaja, K. Dumesnil, L. Pasquier, D. Pierre, S. Andrieu, Phys. Rev. Mat. 4, 064417 (2020
- Helmolz Zentrum- Berlin
- Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
- European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Institut Néel
- Laboratoire de Sciences et Ingénierie des Matériaux et Procédés
Spintronics or Spin Electronics
New electronic transport properties have been discovered using a specific property of the electron called Spin.
These studies allow many advances in the development of:
- sensors
- magnetic oscillators
- tunnel junctions or spin valves
For several years now, the group has been interested in the effects of spin-orbit interaction on the creation of spin currents and the dynamics of the associated magnetization.
- Mission 2018-21 (ANR)
- Toptronic 2020-23
- Thai Ha Pham (2016-20)
- Xiaofei Fan (2019-22)
- Valentin Desbuis (2020-23)
Post-doctoral fellows:
- Elodie Martin
- Konstantine Katcho
- Er Liu
- Spin-driven electrical power generation at room temperature, K. Katcko, E. Urbain, B. Taudul, F. Schleicher, J. Arabski, E. Beaurepaire, B. Vileno, D. Spor, W. Weber, D. Lacour, S. Boukari, M. Hehn, M. Alouani, J. Fransson et M. Bowen, Communications Physics, 2, 116 (2019)
- Compared Efficiencies of Conversions between Charge and Spin Current by Spin-Orbit Interactions in Two- and Three-Dimensional Systems, J.-C. Rojas-Sánchez and A. Fert, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 054049 (2019)
- Coherent Resonant Tunneling through Double Metallic Quantum Well States, B Tao, CH Wan, P Tang, J Feng, H Wei, X Wang, S Andrieu, H Yang, H. Yang, M.Chshiev, X. Devaux, T.Hauet, F. Montaigne, S.Mangin, M. Hehn, D. Lacour, X. Han, Y. Lu, Nano. Lett. 19, 5, 3019 (2019)
- Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
- Unité Mixte de Recherche CNRS / Thales
- National Tsing Hua University
- TU Kaiserlautern
Magnetization dynamics
The study of the magnetic properties of materials requires the ability to probe magnetism on different time scales. A very wide range of time scales can be covered, from seconds to femto-seconds (10-15 s), allowing the study of different interactions. The temporal evolution of demagnetization, magnetization reversal and magnetization precession in magnetic thin films were all observed.
- Chipmuncs 2018-21 (ANR)
- Matelas 2019-22 (ICEEL – FEDER)
- PLUS 2019-22 (FEDER)
- NanoTerahertz 2019-22 (Région Grand Est – FEDER)
- Philippe Scheid (2017-20)
- Kaushalya KAUSHALYA(2018-21)
- Rémy Quentin (2018-21)
- Jean Loïs Bello (2018-21)
- Jiaqi Wei (2018-21)
- Tianxun Huang (2020-23)
- Maxime Vergès (2020-23)
Post-doctoral fellows:
- Fan Zhang
- Boyu Zhang
- Junta Igarashi
- Picosecond Spin Orbit Torque Switching, K Jhuria, J Hohlfeld, A Pattabi, E Martin, AYA Córdova, X Shi, RL Conte, S. Petit-Watelot, J- C. Rojas-Sanchez, G. Malinowski, S. Mangin, A. Lemaître, M. Hehn, J. Bokor, R. B Wilson, J. Gorchon, Nature Electronics (2020)
- Chaos in Magnetic Nanocontact Vortex Oscillators, Thibaut Devolder, Damien Rontani, Sébastien Petit-Watelot, Karim Bouzehouane, Stéphane Andrieu, Jérémy Létang, Myoung-Woo Yoo, Jean-Paul Adam, Claude Chappert, Stéphanie Girod, Vincent Cros, Marc Sciamanna, Joo-Von Kim, Physical Review Letters, 2019, 123 (14)
- Single-shot multi-level all-optical magnetization switching mediated by spin-polarized hot electron transport, S. Iihama, Y. Xu, M. Deb, G. Malinowski, M. Hehn, J. Gorchon, E. E. Fullerton, S. Mangin, Advanced Materials 1804004, (2018)
Scientific mediation
- The group is particularly keen to present its work to the general public. The exhibition ‘Magnetics’, presented at the Palais de la découverte in Paris in 2019-2020, is a fine example of this >> Watch the vidéo on YouTube
- The group has also developed an immersive virtual reality application, Virtual D.A.U.M. This is aimed at recreating in a virtual way the Nanomaterials Ultra-High-Vacuum Deposition and Analysis platform (D.A.U.M. Tube). Thus, the public can immerse themselves within this research facility, unique in Europe, and create their own virtual sensor by following the steps of a scenario specially written for this purpose. >> Catch a glimpse
Technological transfer
- Two joint laboratories have been created:
- With Vinci Technologies : the development of new ultra-high-vacuum chambers for the elaboration, characterisation and structuring of materials for tomorrow's devices
- With Nipson Technology for magnetic printing
- Numerous collaborative projects with industrial partners in France as a whole and from the Great East Region (large companies, SMEs, start-ups, etc.)
Scientific animation
The group regularly organizes seminars, symposia and international congresses (M-SNOWs, IWST, etc.).
In particular, each year it co-organizes the "Davos of materials", an international forum that brings together researchers, and industrial and public decision-makers to discuss major issues in the field of materials.
Development of means for the elaboration, characterization and functionalization of magnetic nanomaterials
> Development and characterization under vacuum and ultra-vacuum:
Many techniques can be used to develop nanomaterials under ultra-vacuum
- different crystallographic structures (amorphous, polycrystalline, monocrystalline)
- in different forms (alloys, multilayers, super-networks)
- with a different magnetic order (ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, antiferromagnetic)
As well as numerous characterisation techniques, these processing techniques are all connected to the D.A.U.M. Tube. The group develops this equipment using the means and skills of CC-DAUM.
> Magnetic characteristics:
Due to the means and skills of CC-Magnetism, we can now probe magnetic properties of materials in various forms (thin films, crystals, powders, nanoparticles, liquids). It is possible to study the evolution of these properties as a function of temperature, magnetic field and other parameters.
> Electrical transport measurements
> Magnetization dynamics:
Over the last few years, the group has developed many pieces of equipment to probe the magnetic and transport properties of nanomaterials at different time scales (from the second to the femtosecond, 10-15 s) due to the acquisition of several femtosecond lasers and ultra-fast optical benches. The development of several experimental benches has allowed observations to be carried out in Kerr microscopy during or after laser excitation, as well as the temporal dynamics of magnetization (TR-MOKE) or reflectivity (TDTR) to be analysed. In addition, in the group we can generate electrical pulses with a duration of one second to a few picoseconds using the same laser systems (dependent on photoswitches).
> Magnetic microscopy:
Two atomic and magnetic force microscopes (AFM/MFM) and a Kerr microscope allow the development of methods for the local characterisation of magnetic properties. For these three instruments, a magnetic field can be applied either in the plane of the sample or perpendicular to this.
> Use of synchrotron radiation:
The group works regularly on the lines of the “Soleil” synchrotrons, along with Electra and ESRF. This collaboration allows PhD students to carry out their theses under co-supervision between the Université de Lorraine and the synchrotron, especially in the context of a scientific agreement with the CASSIOPEE photoemission line of SOLEIL.
> Micro and nanofabrication:
The core of the micro and nanofabrication activity lies in the realisation of magnetic nanostructures and numerous devices such as magnetic tunnel junctions. Reducing the lateral sizes of the objects studied and/or increasing their functionalities (e.g. by adding electrical contacts) are possible due to micro and nanofabrication techniques (optical and electronic lithography, engraving, deposition, integration, etc.). The know-how of the group is based on the means and skills of CC-MiNalor.
CNRS researchers
- Olivier COPIE
- Daniel LACOUR
Professors, assistant professors
- Stéphane ANDRIEU
- Christine BELLOUARD
- Hélène FISCHER
- Thomas HAUET
- Michel HEHN
- Olivier LENOBLE
- Stéphane MANGIN
- François MONTAIGNE
Post-doctoral researchers
- Adrian BENEDIT
- Jérôme Thanh HEM
- Aleena JOSEPH
- Jun-Xiao LIN
PhD students
- Corentin AULAGNET
- Anna Maria FRIEDEL
- Victor HUET
- Akilan K
- Yann LE GUEN
- Sandrine LOPES
- Harjinder SINGH
- Hyacinthe TADAHA
- Philippe MANGIN
Head of the group
Thomas HAUET
+33 (0) 3 72 74 25 70
Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex