CLEARER (heterostructured titanate / carbon nitride catalysers for hydrogen photo-production)
The Carnot project (Inter Domaines d'Activités) CLEARER aims to synthesize heterostructured catalysts combining graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) with titanates for hydrogen photoproduction. The final objective is to exceed 6-7% of solar energy conversion efficiency for the photoproduction of hydrogen with catalysts composed of abundant and/or easily available elements such as cobalt titanate and graphitic carbon nitride. The project is developed in synergy between LRGP (GP axis) and IJL (PPS team) who have complementary skills, particularly in the synthesis, structuration and immobilization of photocatalysts: the synthesis by solvothermal processes are performed at LRGP while plasma-assisted elaboration is realized at IJL. The first studies showed that the best results in terms of photocatalytic activity, performance and stability were obtained by combining g-C3N4 with perovskites (SmFeO3, LaFeO3 or CoTiO3) or by photosensitization with phthalocyanines. Among the high potential co-catalysts, we were also able to highlight the role of sulphides (NiS or CuS) and thus avoid the use of noble metals, such as platinum or ruthenium. These results have leaded to two publications [1,2] and a third is currently under preparation.