PHOTO 3D (3D photography)


By carrying out a local transformation, a 3D object is produced from one step to the next. The disruptive objective is to realize the object in a single step (like an instantaneous 3D photograph and holography). This new process, which has already been mathematically modeled, is of interest for making objects of any shape without the need to set up supports.

In the severe context of competition on additive manufacturing, important innovations are expected to allow a faster manufacturing and on complex and well resolved forms. It is within this framework that this project is dedicated to the "instantaneous" manufacturing of 3D objects of complex shapes. It is thus a question of using a complex energy field, a known generalization of which can exploit the concept of time reversal. On the condition that it can be controlled at will, this three-dimensional energy field must be able to create a sheet of radiations "mimicking" the object to be manufactured, before this one is then transformed by a non-linear dynamic process in the said sheet. This implies the use of several adjustable energy sources, in order to reach specifically all the points of the space which must be transformed simultaneously.

LRGP (CNRS - Université de Lorraine) (leader)
Institut Jean Lamour
From 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2022
ICEEL : 50.000€