SYNERGY (Synthesis of hYbride fuNctionalized and catalyzEd MOFs foR the storaGe of hYdrogen)


The project SYNERGY addresses to the hydrogen storage challenge. It promotes the use generalization of dry plasma processes to achieve in-situ both the functionalization and the hybridization by metal hydrides of the catalyzed MOFs. In these circumstances, the objective is to study conditions of development by cold plasmas of these porous structures in order to get a wide range of functionalized MOFs, at lower cost and ecological. The selected materials will be crucial since they will have to allow the formation of innovative, flexible, safe hybrid materials by integrating ultimately both chimisorption and physisorption properties. The synthesis of these hybrid MOFs will be the result of a detailed parametric study focused on the capabilities to improve the hydrogen evolution reaction.

Institut Jean Lamour
From 03/01/2021 to 08/31/2024
269.600 € from the ANR