TOPTRONIC (Topological spin-Orbitronics)


Conversions between spin and charge currents by Spin-Orbit effects begin to be used in spintronic devices such as Spin-Orbit Magnetic Memories (SOT-MRAMs) harnessing the Spin Hall Effect of heavy metals such as Pt.
This project aims to explore new paradigms in this area by using spin-momentum lock-in charge current conversion at the interface states of topological insulators (TIs) such as α-Sn and half-Heusler alloys, integrated with non-conventional magnetic materials such as Heusler alloys (HAs). This objective is strongly coupled to the objective of using spin-charge current conversions in different types of devices, including power generators for the transformation of thermal flux into electrical energy through new spin thermal effects where a temperature gradient generates a spin current, namely the spin Seebeck effect and the spin Nernst effect.

Institut Jean Lamour
From 04/01/2020 to 03/31/2023
256.409 € from the ANR