Surfaces and interfaces: chemical reactivity of materials

Your needs
- Study of the rates and mechanisms of degradation of metals and ceramics in severe environments by oxidation, corrosion and dissolution
- Fundamental study of the kinetics and mechanisms of interfaces reactions
- Study of the corrosion behavior of metals and ceramics in various environments (high temperature, aggressive chemical environments, thermal cycling…)
- Kinetic and thermodynamic modelling of degradation processes and processes implemented for protection to predict the lifespan of materials
Our solutions
- Provide solutions against corrosion through specific experimental methods and modelling
- Develop protection solutions through the study of new materials and multifunctional coatings
- Develop innovative and controlled processes in the field of surface treatments
- Limit materials degradation:
- Modifying the composition of alloys
- Modifying the oxidizing nature of the environment (controlled or reducing atmosphere, corrosion inhibitor)
- Modifying the surface by conversion pre-treatment (anodizing, selective oxidation, etc.) or by protective metal coating (thermochemical treatment, Slurry) - Thermal analysis / calorimetry / calculations
- Characterize surfaces and interfaces
- Develop structural materials (alloys, pure intermetallic phases)
- Develop coatings by:
- Chemical conversion
- Electrolytic plasma anodization and oxidation
- Cementation process
- Slurry
- Sol gel - Carry out specific electrochemical characterizations:
- Stationary methods for determining kinetics and corrosion processes
- Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- Electrochemistry in molten salt and molten silicate media (up to 1300°C)
- Electrochemistry up to 700 V in pulsed mode
- Interfaces
- Corrosion
- Materials under extreme conditions
- Surface treatments
- Surface properties
- Refractory metallic materials
- Multifunctional coatings
- Electrochemistry
- Thermochemistry
Related skills
- Hot corrosion
- Atmospheric corrosion
- Thermal analysis / calorimetry / calculations
- Surfaces and interfaces characterization :
- Electron microscopy
- X ray diffraction
Our references
- ICAR - Techniques et Recherches Matériaux Réfractaires
- Safran
- Saint-Gobain
- Vallourec
- Orano
- Airbus
- Safran Ceramics
- Ferro
- Fives Cryogénie
- Cerfav
- Air Liquide
- ArcelorMittal
- Trédi Séché Global Solutions
- Contact the research group:
+33 (0) 3 72 74 26 46
- Contact the Technology Transfer Office (TTO):
+33 (0) 3 72 74 26 04
Fiche offre entreprise
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