X-Ray Diffraction, Mössbauer Spectroscopy, Tomography

Your needs
- Tools to characterize materials using different structural and/or microstructural analysis techniques
- Texture and residual stress measurements
- Chemical environmental measurements to reconstruct the volume of an object
- A non-destructive transmission X-ray imaging technique
Our solutions
- Determine the phase in a sample, qualitatively and quantitatively in all powder or bulk sample
- Determine the residual stress/textures in bulk or thin film sample
- Measure the reactivity of a sample depending on the temperature (77K to 1200°C) under all kind of atmosphere (oxydo-reductive, neutral or under vacuum)
- Determine the thickness of thin film by X-ray reflectometry
- Determine precisely the chemical compostion by X-ray fluorescence
- Train in material characterization techniques(measurements and data processing using specific softwares)
- Our offers are eligible for Research Tax Credit
- Characteristics
- X-rays
- Radiation
- (Cr, Co, Cu, Mo, W, 57Co, 119Sn)
- Powder
- Thin Film
- Monocrystal
- Polymer
Related skills
- Structural and microstructural analysis by electron microscopy (SEM, TEM)
- Deposition and characterization of thin films under ultra-high-vacuum (D.A.U..M. Tube)
- Contact the research group:
+33 (0) 3 72 74 25 18
- Contact the technology transfer office (TTO):
+33 (0) 3 72 74 26 04
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