DOLPHIN: Nano-Bio-Materials for Life group

Last publications


The group conducts its research activity in the field of controlled and secure development of new nanomaterials and/or biomaterials with controlled and controllable architecture and functionality for health applications (tissue engineering, medical devices, vectorization and delivery systems). The term "life" implies that applications in both nanomedicine and the environmental sector are targeted. Examples are systems for the purification of liquid effluents or filtration membranes.

The group collaborates with Prof. João F. Mano (Doctor Honoris Causa of UL 2019, Professor@lorraine, Gutenberg 2019 Chair in the group) and his Compass Group at the University of Aveiro. The aim is to use biomaterials and cells to make progress in transdisciplinary concepts for use in personalized, regenerative medicine. Biomimetic approaches combined with the development of nano/micro technologies for biomaterials and polymer-based surfaces are applied to develop medical or biomedical devices with improved structural and (multi) functional properties.
One of the objectives is to control the development of these new biomaterials (most often derived from agro-resources) that are functionalized (in volume or surface area) by controlling their multi-scale architectures. Thus, their structural and functional properties can be optimized.

The materials studied are biological materials, living materials, "industrial" materials, or materials developed for health and/or personalised medicinal applications, such as:

  • Hydrogels, films, fibres, nano/micro capsules, self-supporting membranes, 3D architectures for tissue engineering
  • Multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles and systems to deliver active ingredients
  • Prosthetic coatings
  • Customized medical devices
  • 3D organoids
Tissue Engineering

Research topics


Functionalized anthropogenic nanoparticles

The group is interested in the controlled synthesis and/or development of methods for the synthesis and functionalization of nanoparticles of controlled size, shape and properties that will be used alone or integrated into a medical device.
The aim is to develop anthropogenic (organic or inorganic) functionalized nanoparticles in a controlled and safe manner, for applications in nanomedicine - multifunctional "core-shell" systems and/or functionalized magnetic nanoparticles for theranostics; "natural soft" nanoparticles for the delivery of active ingredients: nanoliposomes (in collaboration with the LiBio/ENSAIA/UL, carrier of the theme) or polysaccharide-based nanocapsules for controlled drug delivery, targeting diseases and/or tissue regeneration.


  • Pierre Venturini (2014- 2017)
  • Thomas Girardet (financed by MESRI / in progress)
  • Adrien Yepseu    (Codirection with Cameroun / in progress)
  • Charles Roux-Pertus (financed by DGA)


  • Project Region - CNRS: Controlled development and characterization of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications
  • PEPS Mirabelle +: SoilMagnetic Signature Oscillation: A proxy to stimulate Metal Bioavailability" (SIGMABIO) Carrier: ZegeyeAsfaw (LIEC) (2019-2022)

Articles :

  • Carbon Nanostructures in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy, J Nanom Nanos Tech: JNNT-110. (2019), Bendjemil B, Cleymand F, Pichler T, Knupfer M, Fink J.
  • In situ Glyco-nanostructure formulation via photo-polymerization induced self-assembly, Polymer chemistry 9, 2868-2872, (2018), K Ferdji, P venturini, F Cleymand, C Chassenieux, JL Six.
  • Facile One‐Step Synthesis of Polyoxazoline‐Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, ChemistrySelect, Vol.3(42), p.11898-11901, (2018), S Fleutot, F. Cleymand, T Hauet, JC Dupin, P. Venturini, J. Ghanbaja, H. Martinez, JJ Robin, V. Lapinte.
  • Nanoliposomes of marine lecithin, a new way to deliverTGF-β1, Journal of Biomaterials and tissue engineering 7,11, 1163-1170, (2017), G. Dostert, C. J. F. Kahn, P. Menu, B. Mesure, F. Cleymand, M. Linder, É. Velot, E. Arab-Tehrany.

Bioinspired biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

Nature is inspiring the development of new classes of biomaterials and processes, combining tools from chemistry, physics, materials science and engineering.

The group designs and produces biomaterials that are artificial and/or encompass natural products (development and optimization of extraction directly from the agro-resource) that closely mimic the physico-chemical, mechanical and biological properties of natural and/or living systems.

Research focuses on the design and manufacture of advanced biomimetic systems. These can be adapted to provide new and innovative solutions in the field of functional, bioactive, biodegradable medical devices. This research has applications in personalized medicine, such as tissue engineering.

The group is also exploring the use of layer-by-layer assembly and 3D/4D bio-printing (development of bio-inks) to develop scaffolds with controlled multi-scale architecture capable of exposing cells to personalized micro-environments. The use of nano/micro technologies (and their development) enables


A Poerio (coll WFI/USA and CICECO/Portugal), funding for a LUE PhD


  • 2019-2021: the 2019 Gutenberg Chair was obtained by Pr JF Mano entitled “CARDIOGEL – Advanced bioinspired hybrid hydrogels for cardiac regeneration”
  • 2018-2021: Professor@lorraine for Pr João F Mano (Portugal) and the satellite laboratory Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine: The bearer of the project, and responsible for the Advanced ERC file
  • 2015: ERC proof of concept 2017, ERC Advanced 2020, ERC PoC 2020
  • "Professor@lorraine" is a programme of the ISITE Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE) aimed at consolidating world-class collaborations through the multi-year hosting of high-level international researchers
  • 2014-2021: “ASCATIM: Cardiac assistance” project in the FEDER-FSE Lorraine and Vosges Massif programme relating to the development of a cardiac exoskeleton.“Treatment of Myocardial Infarction" operational programme. Carriers JP Jehl (404) and N. Tran (Surgical School of Nancy Lorraine)
  • PACTE IMT Grand EST project // TechLab "Biomaterials and Biomimicry" in the funded action entitled "Techlabs and LivingLabs for training in digital technologies in the fields of health and personalized medicine"
  • Intra-IJL thematic project entitled "Bioinspired biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine" (2019-2022) carried out in collaboration with the following IJL groups and competence centers : Micro and Nanomechanics for the Living  ; Physics, Mechanics and Plasticity ; Functional Thin Films for Energy Applications group ; CC MagCryo ; CC X-Gamma, CC 3M
  • 2015-2017: “2015 Promising researcher”, FEDER- Grand Est Region

Articles :

  • Surface Micro‐and Nanoengineering: Applications of Layer‐by‐Layer Technology as a Versatile Tool to Control Cellular Behavior, Small, Volume:  15    Issue:  30      Article Number:  1901228    (2019), MP Sousa, E Arab‐Tehrany, F Cleymand, JF Mano.
  • Bioactive films containing alginate-pectin composite microbeads with Lactococcuslactissubsplactis:Physicochemical characterization and antilisterial activity, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 19(2), 574 (2018). M. Bekhit, E. Arab-Tehrany, C. J.F. Kahn, F. Cleymand, S. Fleutot., S. Desobry, L. Sánchez-González
  • Elaboration of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles and chitosan/hydroxyapatite composites: a present status, Polymer Bulletin 1-33 (2018), D Boudemagh, P Venturini, S. Fleutot, F. Cleymand.
  • Multilayered membranes with tuned well arrays to be used as regenerative patches, ActaBiomaterialia 57, 313-323 (2017), N. I. Martins, M. P. Sousa, C. A. Custódio, V. C. Pinto , P. J. Sousa, G. Minas, F.Cleymand, João F. Mano.
  • Synthesis and Characterization of Nanofunctionalized Gelatin Methacrylate Hydrogels, Int. J. Mol. Sci., 18(12), 2675, (2017), K. Rahali, G. Ben Messaoud, C. J.F. Kahn , L. Sanchez-Gonzalez , M. Kaci, F. Cleymand , S. Fleutot, M. Linder , S. Desobry, E. Arab-Tehrany
  • Multiscale characterization of the hierarchical structure of Dynasteshercules elytra, Micron 101, 16-24, (2017), C. Roux-Pertus, E. Oliviero, V. Viguier, F. Fernandez, F. Maillot, O. Ferry, S. Fleutot, João F. Mano, F.Cleymand.
  • Membranes combining chitosan and natural-origin nanoliposomes for tissue engineering, RCS Advances, 6, 83626-83637 (2016), F. Cleymand, H. Zhang, G. Dostert, P. Menu, E. Arab-Tehrany, E. Velot, João F. Mano.
  • Elastic chitosan/ chondroitin sulphate multilayer membranes, Biomed Mater. 11(3):035008, (2016), MP Sousa, F. Cleymand, João F Mano
  • Effects of radio frequency (RF) Cold plasma on chitosan and its nanoliposome blend thin films for tissue engineering applications, Carbohydrate polymers, 93(2), 401-411, (2013), Zhang H.Y., Cleymand F., Kahn C.J.F., Linder M.; Henrion G., Dahoun A., Arab-Tehrany E.
  • Structural, mechanical and barrier properties of active PLA–antioxidant films, Journal of Food Engineering, 110, 2012, 380-389., Jamshidian M., Arab Tehrany E., Imran, M., Akhtar, M.J,Cleymand, F., Desobry, S.
  • Effects of synthetic phenolic antioxidants on physical, structural, mechanical and barrier properties of poly lactic acid Film, Carbohydrate Polymers. 87 (2), 2011, 1763-1773., Jamshidian M., Arab Tehrany E., Cleymand F., Leconte S., Falher T., Desobry S.

Models for health

The group has developed:

  • experimental models such as organoids in the form of hydrogel with human proteins or elaborated by 3D bio-printing. These use novel bio-inks; surfaces with nano/micro-topographic, physically or chemically contrasting patterns produced on a variety of materials. These new platforms could be used to control cell behaviour and drug release profiles or for high-throughput screening of new active ingredients or drugs for applications in regenerative medicine or cancer.
  • numerical models. The aim is to better understand and model the biomechanical behaviour of the human cornea (Abaqus) to study physiopathologies associated with keratoconus.


Nicolas Falgayrettes (UMI GT Lorraine, CHRU Metz): "Digitization of the Human Cornea" Collaboration with Mercy Hospital (DR JM Perone) / thesis co-direction with GeargiaTech Loraine (Pr E. PatOor),


  • Cancéropôle Est's "Support for the Emergence of 2019 Projects": New platform to develop humanized 3D in vitro osteosarcoma models for drug screening and validation: Hydrogels based on human platelet lysates (2019 - 2021)
  • Emerging project 2019 LUE: Study of the Transfer of Active Vectorised Molecules on microfluidic chips, by nanoliposomes through a barrier model (Leader: Libio/Biopôle)
  • Regional project: Study and optimisation of the biomimetic integration of implant-prosthetic abutments within the marginal periodontal environment (2016-2017)

Articles :

  • Fretting-corrosion behavior on dental implant connection in human saliva, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials Volume 94, Pages 86-92 (2019) P.  Corne, P. De March, F Cleymand , J. Geringer
  • Surface Micro‐and Nanoengineering: Applications of Layer‐by‐Layer Technology as a Versatile Tool to Control Cellular Behavior, Small, Volume:  15 Issue:  30 Article Number: 1901228 (2019), MP Sousa, E Arab‐Tehrany, F Cleymand, JF Mano




  • Elaboration of organic and inorganic materials by soft chemistry or solution chemistry.
  • Microwave, hydrothermal, co-precipitation, sol-gel, polyol, microemulsion synthesis of nanoparticles, including bare or functionalised magnetic nanoparticles.
  • Shaping of biomaterials by solvent casting, spin coating, deep coating, electrospinning, electrospraying and 3D/4D bioimprinting, including the development and optimization of home-made techniques.
  • Development of organoids by different techniques, including 3D/4D bioimprinting, layer-by-layer techniques, hydrogels.
  • Elaboration and optimization of bio-inks.
  • Functionalization of surfaces.


Mastery of multi-scale, chemical, physical, mechanical and biological characterizations adapted to biomaterials and nanoparticles: carrying out experiments and interpretations.

  • Determination of structures by electron diffraction, X-rays and surface analysis by high-resolution X-ray photoemission (XPS)
  • Study of the structural properties and morphologies of surfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and measurement of local mechanical, magnetic and electrical properties by Near Field Spectroscopy (NFS)
  • Study of the biocompatibility of materials
  • Development of bio-inks and 3D organoids
  • Development of biomaterials in all forms (hydrogels, films, fibres, nano/micro capsules, self-supporting membranes, 3D architectures, organic or inorganic nanoparticles)
  • Characterization of multifunctional magnetic nanoparticles



Professors, assistant professors

  • Franck CLEYMAND
  • Solenne FLEUTOT
  • Jean-Philippe JEHL
  • Emmanuel LAMOUROUX

Post-doctoral researchers

  • Mohamed Amine DJEBBI
  • Raoua FATTOUM

PhD students

  • Lyns Verel CHE DJI
  • Amr RADWAN
Contact équipe




HAL Collection



Group leader
+33 (0) 3 72 74 25 00

Administrative contact




Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex