Functional Thin Films for Energy Applications group

Images intro
Argon plasma on magnetron target

Argon plasma on magnetron target



Thermal solar panel with thermochromic coating on top

Thermal solar panel with thermochromic coating on top

Transmittance properties of a transparent photodetector based on a p-Cu2O/n-ZnO junction

Transmittance properties of a transparent photodetector based on a p-Cu2O/n-ZnO junction

Last publications


The activities of the Functional Thin Films for Energy Applications group are centered around the design of new thin films and nanomaterials with the aim of inducing new properties which can serve for improving of functional devices. Based on the internationally recognized expertise of the group members, the current projects propose several innovative researches:

  • development of new inorganic films and nanoparticles and carbon-inorganic hybrids;
  • identification of unprecedented growth modes of the prepared thin films and nanomaterials and their structuring by means of dedicated and cutting-edge techniques in particular by in situ characterization (spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy).
  • studying of emerging properties based on existing collaborations and also opening up to collaborations to be initiated.
  • investigating initio calculation and numerical simulations to predict the properties of the new materials designed.

The FTFEA group studies the optical and electrical properties of thin films and nanomaterials prepared mainly by physical vapor deposition (PVD) processes, mainly by means of IR / Visible spectroscopy and electrical measurements. These physical characterizations are complementarily done of the morphological and structural investigations mainly by electron microscopy (TEM, SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).

The designed nanomaterials are complex compounds (such as oxides, nitrides, stable or metastable perovskites) or nanostructured films (nanoparticles of transition metals or interfaced with, oxides, or even carbon compounds combined with nanoparticles or inorganic films) making it possible to obtain novel functional properties for several application fields: thermochromism, optoelectronics, energy conversion, catalysis and environment.

The FTFEA group owns seven elaboration chambers three of which are connected to the high vacuum tube Tube D.A.U.M., including a prototype equipment.

The FTFEA group collaborates with many other research groups at (i) the Institut Jean Lamour (IJL) such as Plasmas-Process-Surfaces (PPS) group and Nanomaterials for Optoelectronics group and it uses several IJL scientific and technical platforms: Microscopies, Microprobes and Metallography (3M), Diffraction, Diffusion, Fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray Tomography, Mössbauer Spectroscopy (X-Gamma), Optics and Laser Competence (OL), Deposits and Analysis under Ultra-high vacuum of nanoMaterials Competence (D.A.U.M.); (ii) in France, IEMN, GEEPS, Hubert Curien, etc. and (iii) all over the world Chair of Functional Materials at Saarland University, Chair of Technical Physics at Lulea Tekniska Universitety, Institute of Materials Science and Technology of University of Havana, ITMO Saint Petersbourg, Universiti Sains Malaysia, etc.

Thin films / Thin layers
Magnetron sputtering
Hybrid nanomaterials
Surface functionalization
Transparent conductive oxides

Research topics


Thermochromism for thermal regulation and stealth

This topic concerns thermochromism. The thermochromic effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a material is subjected to temperature variations. It results in a change in colour of the material at a temperature called the transition temperature. Several types of thermochromic coatings exist and the team is particularly interested in vanadium dioxide (VO2), as well as some perovskites of the REMO3 type (with RE: rare earth and M: transition metal). This axis has been extended to integrate the new applications on IR stealth initiated. A calculation component using optical indices, thicknesses and simulation of stacks has been initiated to predict the optical properties of layers dedicated to thermal regulation or IR stealth.


  • LabCom SOLARIS


  • LUE/Viessmann Zil Fernandez (2019-2022)
  • LUE Alexis Garcia-Wong (2017-2020)


Thin films and nanostructures for optoelectronics and adaptive optical properties

Metal nano-objects placed in a dielectric environment can be associated of a significant interaction between the free electrons of the metal and electromagnetic radiation. Indeed, when the electromagnetic radiation is of the same frequency as the natural vibration frequency of the free electrons (plasmon frequency), a resonant coupling is established between the dipole created by the oscillation of the electrons within the nano-object and the dipole of the electromagnetic field. This phenomenon, known as localized surface plasmon resonance, gives rise to novel properties that stimulate numerous studies. The team is working on the nanostructuring of materials for plasmonics or the interfacing of metallic nano-objects with semiconductors and on the study of the optical and electrical properties of such couples. Thus, photodetectors operating by injecting "hot" carriers from metallic nano-objects into semiconductors, films and devices with novel optical emission properties have been produced.

Thanks to the use of dual processes, combining magnetron sputtering and non-equilibrium techniques for nanoparticle synthesis (laser ablation, liquid discharges), the team can synthesise microstructurally complex or even metastable particles, which is very complicated or even impossible by conventional synthesis methods. This approach allows the study of a new field of nano-optics: the effect of microstructure on linear (plasmonics) and non-linear (second harmonic generation) optical responses.

This topic is also extended to adaptive optical properties, allowing the integration of work on the photoemission of nanoparticles (plasmonic effect), reflectivity (nanometric topography), and the non-linear optical properties of high-entropy alloy coatings. High entropy coatings exhibit chemical disorder associated with crystalline order, allowing for non-linear optical properties that we wish to characterize. We are also studying the hybrid coupling of dielectric and plasmonic materials in order to obtain synergetic effects giving rise to particularly interesting optical responses such as IR-white light conversion. Similarly, the study of metastable alloys, obtained by dual processes (sputtering + laser ablation) developed in collaboration with the IJL's 201 team, represents a strong potential for the development of new materials with novel properties such as their dynamic optical response when returning to the equilibrium state.


  • Cotutelle avec l’Université de la Havane 2019-2023, Yerila Rodriguez
  • Ambassade d’Arabie Saoudite 2021-2024, Yahya Ghazwany
  • Thèse ministérielle 2020-2023, Adrian Benedit-Cardenas


Nanostructured materials for energy conversion or transfer

Traditional photovoltaic cells are based on silicon or CIGS absorbers, which have to be used with high thicknesses and have high toxicity and low raw material availability. The manufacture of traditional transparent electrodes from tin-doped indium oxide also poses problems of toxicity and raw material supply.

The studies are oriented towards the optimization and synthesis of materials for photovoltaic devices and the realization of innovative devices. The materials synthesized are based on elements that are abundant in the earth's crust: zinc oxide, ZnO, as an n-type semiconductor, or copper oxide, Cu2O, as an absorber and p-type semiconductor, coupled to transparent electrodes made of abundant materials such as aluminium-doped ZnO, AZO, or copper iodide, CuI.

Original architectures allowing the realization of photovoltaic devices or transparent or semi-transparent photodetectors are proposed by coupling PVD methods to atomic layer deposition (ALD). In addition, near-ambient synthesis temperatures are sought in order to achieve devices on organic substrates.

The team is also studying the potential applications of new solar absorbers such as family II-VI nitrides like ZnSnN2, ZnGeN2 or MgSnN2. The current work is a continuation of the ANR-funded OPERA project (partners: IEMN, GEEPS and CEA) which ended in 2021.

Within the framework of a project of the Institut Carnot Energie Environnement Lorraine, the team is collaborating with a group from LMOPS (University de Lorraine, Metz) on the synthesis of all-oxide solar cells using a spray pyrolysis process.

Our activities also relate to the development and preparation of heat transfer fluids which can play a major interest in solar thermal. Nanoparticles such as carbon nanotubes or graphene, possessing a remarkable intrinsic thermal conductivity, are here chemically modified to induce their stable dispersion in solvents such as water or glycol water to develop new nanofluids.


  • Co-tutelle avec l’Université de la Havane 2019-2023, Yerila Rodriguez


  • Agathe VIRFEU


  • LUE 2020-2023


Functionalized surfaces and interfaces for living and environment applications

This more recent activity conducted in the FTFEA group embraces the studies on both the matter of antibacterial coatings already started several years ago and on hybrid carbon-inorganic nanomaterials. Chemical modifications of carbon nanomaterials (carbon nanotubes, graphene, nanodiamonds) are one of the pillars for the development of these new materials since they are expected to strongly impact the interface and adhesion between the two types of materials (carbon and inorganic). The developed materials we are interesting in are in particular dedicated to sustainable technologies such as nanoadsorbents and electrocatalysts but also neutron reflectors. We aim at maximizing the interactions at the interface between the functional carbonaceous surface and its environment or at controlling the adhesion forces with a nanostructured inorganic deposit (under the form of thin films or nanoparticles). The resulting synergistic effects induced between the two types of nanomaterials are expected to enhance or create novel properties. These activities perfectly match with the current challenges of research dedicated to the development of new complex nanomaterials with high potential for application in the field of energy and the environment: CO2 capture, water electrolysis and green chemistry etc.

The work on the competitive growth between an amorphous phase and a crystalized phase within films synthesized by sputtering constitutes an original axis of the team. It allows us to envisage a control of the properties linked to the surface topography (optical, antibacterial, tribological, etc.). They will be continued and developed by exploring new chemical systems. The targeted applications are the development of antibacterial surfaces and/or surfaces with controlled optical properties.

Preliminary work undertaken in partnership with team 401 (Nano-bio-materials for life) has made it possible to verify that the growth of thin films on biological or bio-inspired nano-structured surfaces leads to the generation of novel microstructures with high application potential. This approach will be pursued with a particular focus on applications in the photonic/photovoltaic and antibacterial fields.

Similarly, the optical and electrical properties will be studied in the case of carbonaceous films functionalized by nanoparticles (or inorganic thin films).


  • Ambassade de France (Malaisie), cotutelle Rabita Firdaus 2019-2022
  • Bourse ministérielle internationale, cotutelle avec l’Allemagne Quentin Liebgott  2020-2023


  • PHC Hibiscus 2018-2022
  • ANR NERF 2021-2024
  • LUE 2020-2023





  • Preparation of thin and nanostructured films by magnetron sputtering


  • Structure determination by X-ray diffraction (XRD)
  • Analysis of surface morphology by scanning electron microscopy and elemental composition by EDS
  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) studies of morphology, crystallographic structure (SAED / microdiffraction) and elemental (EDS) and chemical (EELS) compositions at the atomic scale.
  • Measurement of optical properties by IR/Visible spectrometry
  • Determination of electrical properties at room temperature and at variable temperatures
  • Raman spectrometry

Technology transfer

  • Market launch with Viessmann Faulquemont SAS of the ThermProtect technology used for the thermal control of Vitosol flat plate solar collectors.



CNRS researchers

Professors, assistant professors

Tenure tracks

  • Valentin MILICHKO

Technical and support staff

PhD students

  • Hassan BENAIT
  • Salah-Eddine BENRAZZOUQ
  • Imane BOUZROUD
  • Carlos Ernesto CALVO MOLA
  • Nicolas DIVOUX
  • Otmane EL OUARDI
  • Alejandro IGLESIAS
  • Saraf KHAN
  • Nawel Emma MERGHEM
  • Gerrard NKAMUHEBWA
  • Pierre-Antoine TOSTIVINT


  • Elisabeth BAUER-GROSSE
Contact équipe




HAL Collection









Head of the group
Brigitte VIGOLO
+33 (0) 3 72 74 25 94

Administrative contact




Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex