Surface and Interface, Chemical Reactivity of Materials group

Images intro
Electrochemical cell to measure the basic nature of a silicate liquid at high temperature

 Electrochemical cell to measure the basic nature of a silicate liquid at high temperature.

Anodic film formed on an aluminium substrate by polarisation at 50 V in phosphoric acid

 Anodic film formed on an aluminium substrate by polarisation at 50 V in phosphoric acid

Multi-layer coating made of silicides and obtained by pack-cementation (chemical vapor deposition) on the surface of vanadium

Multi-layer coating made of silicides and obtained by pack-cementation (chemical vapor deposition) on the surface of vanadium

Last publications


The activities of the group focus on the study of the reactions affecting the surface of materials and on the development of innovative and controlled processes in order to provide solutions against corrosion.

The group specializes in the analysis of the corrosion behaviour and durability of metals and ceramics in various environments, especially in extreme conditions: high temperatures, aggressive chemical environments, thermal cycling conditions.

The research is carried out on the basis of thermodynamic modelling and a diversified range of instruments that enable the synthesis of solid materials or coatings (metallic alloys and ceramics). In this way, the characterization of the physicochemical properties (thermal, dilatometric, electrochemical) and the acquisition of the response of materials submitted to environmental stresses can be determined. This research aims on one hand to identify the influence of chemistry and microstructure on the oxidation and corrosion resistance, and on the other hand to functionalize the surfaces of metallic materials.

  • To limit the degradation of materials, three main methods are used, depending on the latitude offered by the application:
  • modification of the composition of materials
  • modification of the oxidizing nature of the environment (controlled atmosphere, reducing atmosphere, addition of a corrosion inhibitor)
  • modification of the surface by a conversion pre-treatment (anodizing, selective oxidation, etc.) or by a protective metal coating (thermochemical treatment, slurry)
Multifunctional Coatings
Surface Treatments
Materials under Extreme Conditions

Research topics


Oxidation rates and mechanisms for metallic materials at high temperatures

The development of new metallic materials (nickel-, cobalt- or niobium-based alloys, TiAl, skutterudites) or alloys produced by new methods such as additive manufacturing requires the identification of levers allowing to optimise their resistance to the environment and estimate their durability in conditions as close as possible to those encountered in service. The research involves the synthesis of model systems that are simplified in comparison with industrial alloys. This makes it possible to highlight the relationships that exist between the composition and microstructure of the materials and their reactivity.


  • BPI FAIR (Additive Fabrication to Intensify Reactors, Air Liquide Responsible) 2016-2020
  • ANR NANOSKUT 2013-2016 ; PSEUDO 2014-2017
  • Collaborations with Saint Gobain SEVA 2015-2018, Fives Cryogénie 2016-2019


CIFRE M. Ritouet 2015-2018; Doctoral contracts M. Bolmont 2016-2019, T. Perez 2016-2019, N. Ramenatte 2017-2020.


Study of the degradation mechanisms of metals and ceramics in the presence of a liquid phase by oxidation, corrosion, dissolution

The behaviour of materials in the presence of liquid phases is evaluated from room temperature to very high temperatures. Electrochemical techniques are implemented to identify the nature of the electroactive systems and the rate laws in extreme conditions. The treated subjects concern the degradation of waste incineration unit exchangers, the hot corrosion of aeronautical alloys by salt mixtures, the corrosion of chromino-forming alloys by silicate media (glass industry, waste vitrification) or the corrosion of thermal and environmental barriers by CMAS.


  • ANR SCAPAC 2012-2016; ANR CINATRA 2013-2016
  • Collaboration SAFRAN TECH 2018-2021
  • Collaboration ONERA 2012-2019


  • Doctoral contract E. Schaal 2013-2016
  • Ministry E. Schmucker 2013-2016, V. Szczepan 2017-2020
  • CIFRE SAFRAN R. Malacarne 2018-2021


Development of protection solutions through the study of new materials and multifunctional coatings

The functionalization of the surfaces of metal alloys is often necessary to adapt the properties of structural materials to the physico-chemical characteristics of the environment or to the conditions of use. In this context, the research covers both aspects related to the inhibition of corrosion phenomena and the development of functional coatings. The group concentrates on chemical (in aqueous and gaseous phases) and electrochemical methods. Especially methods of high-potential (micro-arc oxidation) are used to propose new and multiple use properties (anti-oxidants and anti-fuels; anti-oxidants and wear-resistance; anti-oxidants and lubricants; self-healing coatings; etc.):

-    Study of the growth and sealing of anodized coatings
-    Functionalization by wet process of internal surfaces of complex 3D printed components
-    Vapor deposition of coatings


BPI FAIR (2016-2020), Collaborations Graphocolor, De Buyer, AML


  • CIFRE Graphocolor V. Cartigny 2017-2020, Ministry A. Gasco-Owens (2019 -)
  • A. Ben Romdhane (2018-)
  • Doctoral contract N. Ramenatte 2017-2020, CIFRE AML R. Soukrat (2020-) 


Kinetic and thermodynamic modelling

The study of degradation processes and the implementation of thermochemical treatments require thermodynamic data. When these are available, they make it possible to identify the present species and the nature of the expected phases. When they are not available, they must be determined experimentally and the corresponding equilibrium diagrams modelled. Modelling is also carried out to predict the lifetime of materials. The durability of a protective oxide layer, e.g. in a liquid silicate medium at high temperature, depends on the competition between growth and dissolution. Analytical models must then be established to predict the behaviour of these oxides as a function of the system parameters (T, P(O2), basic nature, viscosity).


Orano (2013-2016), CAPES COFECUB


Joint supervision A.A.A.Pinto Da Silva; Ministry E. Schmucker 2013-2016, V. Szczepan




The group has its own fleet of equipment and the associated specific know-how enabling to perform degradation studies and to evaluate the potential of different coating solutions:

Methods for the development of structural materials and coatings

  • Arc melting
  • Induction melting
  • Sintering of powders
  • Chemical conversion
  • Anodizing and oxidation by electrolytic plasma
  • Pack-cementation (chemical vapor deposition)
  • "Slurry" method (Liquid metal-substrate reaction)

Thermal analysis methods

  • Differential thermal analysis
  • Thermogravimetric analysis
  • Dilatometry
  • Calorimetry
  • Predictive calculations (ThermoCalc, FactSage)

Specific electrochemical characterisations

  • Stationary methods for the determination of kinetics and corrosion processes
  • Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
  • Electrochemistry in molten salts and molten silicate media (up to 1300°C)
  • Pulsed electrochemistry up to 700 V

Environmental demands

  • Treatment furnaces in controlled atmosphere up to 1700°C
  • Thermogravimetry in corrosive atmosphere (SO2, HCl)
  • Thermal cycling devices
  • Climatic chambers: salt fog tests, VDA, etc.

Technological transfer

  • Patent: Method for depositing an anti-corrosion coating, N. Ramenatte et al. (Université de Lorraine, CNRS, Air Liquide) (2015) WO2015044559 A1
  • Patent: Method for manufacturing a part coated with a protective coating, S. Knittel et al. (Université de Lorraine, SNECMA, SAFRAN) (2018) WO2016087766 – 2016
  • Patent: Turbine engine part covered with a protective ceramic coating, Method for manufacturing and for using such a part, L. Portebois, S. Mathieu, P. Berthod, M. Vilasi, M. Podgorski (Université de Lorraine, SAFRAN) (2019) EP 3359707 B1
  • Patent: Process for depositing a corrosion-protection coating on at least one portion of the surfaces of a metallic substrate having at least one cavity , N. Ramenatte et al. (Université de Lorraine, CNRS, AIR LIQUIDE), Accepted n° US10053780



Professors, assistant professors

Technical and support staff

PhD students

  • Thomas BRUNET
  • Grégoire DUFOUR
  • Bruno JACQUARD
  • Roua KADDAH
  • Dorian LEPESANT
  • Elise PERUSE
  • Yasser RASSIF
  • Louis SAINT-JEAN
Contact équipe




HAL Collection









Head of the group
Stéphane MATHIEU
+33 (0) 3 72 74 26 46

Administrative contact




Institut Jean Lamour
Campus Artem
2 allée André Guinier - BP 50840
54011 NANCY Cedex