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[Article] Hybrid shape memory alloy and piezoelectric polymer coupled for energy harvesting

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Processing of hybrid shape memory alloy coupled with P(VDF-TrFE) piezoelectric polymer composite for energy harvesting application

[Article] Heavily doped Si nanocrystals for infrared plasmonics

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Heavily doped Si nanocrystals formed in P-(SiO/SiO2) multilayers: a promising route for Si-based infrared plasmonics

[Article] New approach to the compound energy formalism (NACEF) part I : Thermodynamic modeling based on the sublattice model

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New approach of the calculation of diagrams representing phase equilibria based on the simplification of previously established mathematical models

[Article] On the influence of plasma turbulence on collective Thomson scattering measurements

[Article] Advanced Design of Metal Nanoclusters and Single Atoms

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Advanced Design of Metal Nanoclusters and Single Atoms Embedded in C1N1-Derived Carbon Materials for ORR, HER, and OER

[Article] Touching the « Sky » : Phononic Skyrmions

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Observation of phononic skyrmions based on hybrid spin of elastic waves

[Prize] Dominique Dubaux wins the Art & Science C'Nano image prize

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Dominique Dubaux, PhD in the Metallurgy and Surfaces team won the Art & Science image prize in the category "Gulliver's journey in the world of nanos" for her image "Starry night"

[Article]Elaboration of nitrogen-doped graphene bubbles as platinum-free electrode materials for PEMFC

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Current fuel cell catalysts are mostly made of platinum nanoparticles. However, this noble metal is a source of environmental and societal problems. This work explores the possibility of using alternative materials without metals.

[Article] A new Raman spectroscopy based method for monitoring the crystallinity ratio of polyethylene terephthalate.

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An innovative Raman spectroscopy-based method to quickly measure in situ the crystallinity ratio of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) during thermal heating.

[Article] Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of spin-charge excitations in a Kondo system