Chemistry and Electrochemistry of Materials group

Images intro
BiSbTe nanowire – on an electrical measurement  platform

BiSbTe nanowire – on an electrical measurement  platform

Cross section of a ZnMn electrodeposited film – EBSD analysis

Cross section of a ZnMn electrodeposited film – EBSD analysis

Optical image of cell phone scraps

Optical image of cell phone scraps

Last publications


The activity of the Chemistry and Electrochemistry of materials group is focused on the study and exploitation of the chemical and electrochemical reactivity of mineral materials. The approach which is used combines analytical studies of the behaviour of solutions or solids with characterization techniques.

The research topics are part of an approach linked to renewable energies and waste recovery. They are based on recognized skills (electroplating, electrochemical intercalation, electrolixiviation and hydrometallurgical treatments), whether in aqueous electrolyte or ionic liquid medium.

They can be divided into two main areas:

  • Electrochemical elaboration of films and one-dimensional nanostructures, and the study of microstructure relationships, low dimensionality and functional properties.
  • Research into electrochemical and chemical protocols for the material recovery of metalliferous by-products and end-of-life materials, in particular for the recovery of critical metals.

These activities are the subject of academic, institutional and industrial collaboration projects. They are also carried out in interaction with other groups in the laboratory, especially Functional Thin Films for Energy ApplicationsMaterials for Civil Engineering, Surface and Interface, Chemical Reactivity of Materials.

Electrochemical intercalation
Hydrometallurgical treatment
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

Research topics


Electrodeposition of materials

The research developed aims to elaborate protocols for the electrochemical synthesis of materials, either in the form of films or nanostructures.
The main field of application concerns energy conversion materials, especially those with thermoelectric (TE) properties. Zinc-based metal alloy coatings are also being studied in the automobile industry for their anti-corrosion properties.
To study the mechanisms of film growth, the group has developed an in situ  measurement setup combining electrochemical, gravimetric and ellipsometric measurements (collaboration with the LCP-A2MC).


ANR PRCI 3D ThermoNano (collaboration EMPA, Thun, Suisse)


  • Ministry / Région 2019-2022, Karen Al Hokayem (collaboration Institut Charles Sadron)
  • CIFRE 2021-2024, Charles Petit, collaboration with VALLOUREC


Hydrometallurgical treatments of secondary raw materials (SRMs)

The research focuses on the development of innovative hydrometallurgical protocols, in particular to reduce the number of elementary steps.

Thus, it was proposed to couple two unitary operations within the same cell: Electrolixiviation and electroplating. This concept was developed in an aqueous medium, in particular for zinc-bearing waste (Waelz oxide and Zn/MnO2 battery shredding). Then it was applied to an ionic liquid medium (fuel cell platinum electrodes). This topic was developed in close collaboration with the electrochemical engineering team of the ENSIC Reactions and Process Engineering Laboratory. (LRGP,

Electrochemical intercalation by redox reaction at room temperature with electronic and ionic transfer on semiconductor host arrays, has been one of the team's proven skills for many years. In particular, the aims of this mode of action make it possible to define electrochemical protocols for the extraction/transfer of lithium ions contained in acid leachates from the treatment of crushed lithium batteries and lithium-ion accumulators.


  • ANR EE4Precious (2021-2024), collaboration LRP, CEA, Terra Nova Développement
  • Carnot – THYMO (2021-2023)


  • ANR 2021-2024, Calogera Bertoloni





  • Development by electroplating of films with functional properties (thermoelectric, anticorrosive) in aqueous and ionic liquid media
  • Elaboration of one-dimensional nanostructures from mesoporous matrices or by self-assembly


  • Measurement of thermoelectric power factor (Seebeck, electrical resistivity) at room temperature for films or nanowire assemblies. Localized Seebeck coefficient determination (at room temperature) (Potential-Seebeck Microprobe, PSM)
  • Physicochemical characterization of industrial waste (XRD, XRFS, ICP-AES, CHNS analysis, TGA)
  • Analysis of solutions by Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometry (ICP)
  • Semi-quantitative or quantitative elemental chemical analysis by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRFS): powders, solid samples, thin films and liquids.
  • Characterization of electrochemical interfaces and thin films by ellipsometry

Technological transfer

  • Development of electrolytes for electrochemical machining.
    Patents: FR1873039, FR 1873037
  • Anticorrosive electrodeposition coatings
    United States, 20180179642, DE102014004656 A1, DE102014004657 A1, WO2015149918 A1, DE102014004649 A1, DE102014004650 A1, DE102014004651 A1, DE102014004652 A1
  • Process for the electrochemical recovery of platinum.
    FR 16 56293
  • Electrolyte separation membrane for the selective transfer of cations.
    United States, 2016/0082395
  • Process for the selective recovery of gold from gold and platonoid containing compounds.
    FR 2109750
  • Process for the treatment of industrial mineral waste leading to a vitrifiat with hydrolic properties.
    FR 2102207

Hydrometallurgical treatments

  • Recovery of metals by chemical leaching, selective precipitation and electrodeposition
  • Coupling electrolixiviation - electrodeposition in aqueous media and ionic solvents (ionic liquid and Deep Eutectic Solvents)
  • Methodology of experimental design



Professors, assistant professors

Technical and support staff

Post-doctoral researchers

PhD students

  • Marianne L'HÔTE
  • Axel TAHIR
  • Stane VIAUD
Contact équipe




HAL Collection








Head of the group
+33 (0)3 72 74 91 03

Administrative contact




Institut Jean Lamour
1 bd Dominique François Arago
57070 METZ Technopôle